Challenges International Students Face with Health Care in the U.S.
Jonathan Perez | Jun 12, 2024 Insurance
Understanding a foreign country’s health care system is going to be necessary for international visitors for many reasons. However, this process is not always easy and can pose some challenges which might prevent someone from receiving quality health services. Not properly using health care services can put someone at a great disadvantage if they need help with particular conditions or concerns. You can use this guide to address and remedy many of these pitfalls, since receiving health care should not be a challenge in itself. Ultimately, everyone should be able to get the most of their health care without any limitations and make decisions on their own behalf, and we hope the below guide will push you in the right direction.
About ISO Student Health Insurance
Founded in 1958, ISO prides itself on being the leader in providing international students with affordable insurance plans. Administered by former and current international students, we are able to assist our member with multilingual customer service in Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, and more. ISO serves over 3,200 schools/colleges and more than 150,000 insured students every year.
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